Ryder Cup 2024 Betting

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In a rivalry that stretches back over one hundred years, America and Europe’s best take each other on in matchplay every 2 years. While the event was contested between America and Great Britain & Ireland since the early 1900s, it wasn’t until 1979 that the latter team was consolidated to include European players due to American dominance in the tournament.

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Ryder Cup Golf Betting Tips

How The Ryder Cup is Played

The Ryder Cup is formatted unlike other tournaments like the British Open, US Open, or The Masters. The Ryder Cup also doesn't have any impact on the PGA tour

The Ryder Cup is made up of 12 players on each side who are selected and led by their captain, usually a senior champion golfer or one that has recently retired. The 12 best golfers in the US take on the 12 best from Europe in a variety of formats over the course of three days.

Day 1 & 2: Foursomes & Fourballs

The first two days of The Ryder Cup consists of four matches of foursomes and four matches of fourballs, each a variation of match-play golf.

Each match is played over 18 holes unless one side gains a lead which cannot be equaled or beaten over the remainder of the holes.

Day 3: Singles Matchplay

On the final day of the event, each of the twelve players play separately against each of the opposite side in a 1v1. The captain of each side tactically sends out his players in the order by which he decides.

How to Bet on the Ryder Cup

With more and more ways to gamble becoming available, placing a bet on the Ryder Cup is easier than ever:

Ryder Cup Holes in One Market

The days of receiving odds of 100/1 for a hole in one in a tournament no longer exist. Golfers technical skill continues to increase and bookies have long since wised up to the fact that a hole in one occurring during a tournament is actually more likely than you would think.

The odds of a hole in one occurring at a standard tournament are 5/4 - approximately 44% probability. If the Ryder Cup is taking place on a course with a large amount of par 3’s, the chances of a hole in one being struck increases. But keep in mind - only six players have ever managed to do so in the tournament’s illustrious 90 year history:

Top Ryder Cup Venues

The Ryder Cup has been played at some beautiful courses throughout the years. Some have proved to be more challenging than others and it is without doubt that the tournament, regardless of where it’s played, always provides an electric atmosphere for golf fans.

Ryder Cup History

Prior to the birth of what we now know as the Ryder Cup, there were two unofficial matches between English and American professionals, both of which were won by the British. The first was played at Gleneagles in 1921, but the second tournament, played at Wentworth in 1926 was undoubtedly the most significant, as it was attended by a man named Samuel Ryder.

Ryder fell in love with the idea of America and Great Britain facing off. After marveling at the Wentworth competition he opted to donate a gold trophy, known to this day as ‘The Ryder Cup’ to the spectacle. The foundation for the modern day tournament was thenceforth set.

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