An Overview of Casino Superstitions

Many gamblers are superstitious, it comes with the territory. If you’re already willing to risk your dime on a random outcome at land-based or online casinos, you want any sort of luck that can improve your chances of winning.
In this article, we explore some of the most common gambling superstitions and why some people are so adamant about them.
Why Do People Rely Upon Lucky Charms and Rituals when Gambling?
Gamblers are notorious for believing in rituals that might bring them good luck. But why do they do it and where do these gambling superstitions actually come from?
When faced with pressure and uncertainty, people often turn to rituals and familiar routines that offer them a reassuring sense of control.
Superstitious Sports Stars and Celebrities
Many sports stars and performers also use these sorts of rituals or lucky charms to give them the confidence they need to perform at their best.
Baseball legend Babe Ruth, one of the most famous players in the history of the game, was known for his unique superstitions that he believed helped him hit so many home runs.
These included some bizarre habits, like playing with a chilled cabbage leaf under his hat (which kept his head cool), changing it frequently.
Ruth would also deliberately step on second base when jogging round after hitting a home run, believing it would bring further good luck. With 714 home runs over his incredible 22-year career, who can argue with his methods?
Whether these rituals actually worked or not, such superstitions helped Ruth maintain psychological strength, which enabled him to play with confidence and have a strong sense of control over his game.
Basketball legend Michael Jordan was known to always wear his old North Carolina college shorts under his Chicago Bulls uniform for luck in the game.
Meanwhile, Guns N’ Roses singer Axl Rose reportedly refuses to perform in cities which begin with an ‘M’ because he believes they are cursed; he also never eats at McDonald’s for the same reason.
Superstition and Gambling Go Hand-in-Hand
It's no surprise that gamblers often have their own lucky rituals, whether it’s a specific mantra they recite when entering new casinos, a lucky pair of pants they always wear, or a routine they swear by before placing a bet.
For many, anything that might stave off bad luck is considered worthwhile. At the very least, adhering to a superstition doesn’t cost anything.
Let's take a look at some common (and not-so-common) gambling superstitions about what brings good (or bad) luck.

Lucky & Unlucky Numbers Gambling Superstitions
A lot of gambling revolves around numbers, on a roulette wheel, on playing cards and in games like bingo or keno. It’s therefore no surprise that there are plenty of superstitions related to numbers.
1. Unlucky Numbers: Thirteen & Four
In Western culture, 13 is notoriously associated with bad luck. In China, the number 4 is considered unlucky because it sounds like the word for ‘death’ in Chinese.
Conversely, the number 8 is regarded as very lucky.
This aversion to unlucky numbers is evident in some hotels, where the 13th floor is often skipped entirely. For example, the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas omits any floor numbers starting with 4, jumping straight from floor 39 to 50!
2. Be Wary of Aces & Eights
Known as the “Dead Man’s Hand,” Aces and Eights are believed to be unlucky by some poker players. It’s said that this was the hand Wild Bill Hickok held when he was murdered.
In Texas Hold’em, Aces and Eights (two pairs) is considered a medium-strength hand, often not worth risking your bankroll on.
3. Don’t Say ‘Seven’ at the Craps Table
In Western culture, the number 7 is considered lucky by many. There are even side bets on some casino games called Lucky Sevens.
However, the opposite is true in craps. In this game, players continue betting until a seven is rolled, which ends the current game and results in losing all bets on the table. To avoid bad luck, players often refer to seven as “it” or “the devil” at the craps table.
Superstitions About Preparations Before Gambling
Every gambling session begins before a wager is placed. If you’re headed to a casino, there are a few superstitions that you may want to adhere to.
4. Using the Casino Front Entrance
Some gamblers believe it’s unlucky to enter the casino through the front entrance, as you might encounter people leaving who have lost, potentially passing their bad luck onto you.
This superstition also applied to the previous entrance of the MGM Grand Casino in Las Vegas, which resembled a lion’s mouth - symbolizing “being eaten alive.” This entrance was removed in 1998.
5. Don’t Forget to Wear Your Lucky Underpants
For some gamblers, the ritual begins long before they reach the casino. Wearing lucky underwear is a popular superstition. Whether it’s a particular colour or a specific pair that might have brought previous success, many gamblers swear by them to bring them luck.
It might even be wise to have more than one set, especially for multi-day live poker tournaments.
6. Don’t Shave or Get a Haircut During a Hot Run
Many gamblers believe that altering their appearance during a streak of good luck can break the spell. This is why some refrain from shaving, cutting their hair, or making any other changes to their appearance until their hot run ends.
Sports stars like Goran Ivanisevic, who didn’t shave for a fortnight during his 2001 Wimbledon title win, also follow this superstition.

Manners That May Bring Good Luck at the Casino Tables
It’s often said that good manners don’t cost anything. However, some gamblers believe that not having good manners will make the gambling gods frown down upon you and cost you your luck at the tables.
7. Never Cross Your Legs
Crossing your fingers is well-known to be something that many people do in order to bring themselves good luck. However, the opposite is true when it comes to crossing your legs at a casino table. It is believed that doing it will ‘cross out’ your good luck.
8. Don’t Whistle While Playing
Whistling at the casino is thought to bring bad luck. This superstition dates back to times when sailors were banned from whistling on ships, as it was believed to encourage stronger winds.
9. Never Count Your Money at the Table
Another popular gambling superstition says you should never count your money or chips when playing. It’s what Kenny Rogers famously sang about in The Gambler:
“You never count your money when you’re sitting at the table. There’ll be time enough for counting when the dealin's done.”
Counting your money before the game is over, or even immediately afterwards, is considered to be in extremely bad taste. Not only is it insensitive - especially if you’re playing poker - but it’s also part of a wider belief that pride comes before a fall.
10. Always Pass and Collect Money with Your Right Hand
In some cultures, passing and collecting money with your right hand is believed to bring good luck, as the right hand is considered clean and honourable.
While not universally acknowledged, anything that maintains luck or prevents bad luck is worth considering.
Common Sense Superstitions
A lot of gambling 'superstitions' are simply based upon common sense.
11. Don’t Touch Chips with Both Hands
Using both hands to handle your chips is considered bad luck by some gamblers. It’s believed that touching the chips with both hands might cause your good fortune to slip away. Additionally, it might raise suspicions among other players.
12. Don’t Eat with Your Hands at the Table
Eating with your hands at the table is not just a matter of etiquette; it’s also thought to be unlucky. This could stem from the idea that keeping your hands free from distractions helps maintain focus and control over the game.
But it’s not just distracting, it mixes an activity where you come into contact with a lot of germs (handling casino chips or pushing buttons of slot machines) with one where you put food into your mouth.
13. Never Lend Money to Another Player in a Casino
Lending money to another player is believed to bring bad luck. By giving money away, you increase the risk of not seeing it again - a definite sign of bad luck.
14. Avoid Sitting in the Seat Next to the Dealer
Some players believe that sitting next to the dealer is unlucky. From a superstitious point of view, these seats are thought to be the least fortunate because they are closest to the dealer’s control, putting you at a disadvantage.
15. Don’t Sit at a Table with a Mirror
Mirrors at the poker table are sometimes considered unlucky, as they are believed to reflect and double bad luck. The idea is that the mirror reflects not just your image but also any negative energy, bouncing it back at you.
As with the other superstitions, there is also a common sense reason for this and that is to avoid being cheated, with mirrors making it harder to protect the privacy of your cards.
Superstitions on How to Behave When Winning
There are also a number of superstitions linked to how you should behave when you are winning, or seemingly about to win.
16. Don’t Celebrate Too Early
Players are encouraged to avoid celebrating a win before a game is over, fearing the early celebration could jinx their luck. Celebrating prematurely is seen as tempting fate, and it’s better to wait until victory is secured before expressing any joy.
This is particularly pertinent in blackjack, where a player might celebrate early when they have been dealt a good or seemingly unbeatable hand. There’s nothing worse than having a 20-hand and then seeing the dealer draw to 21.
17. Don’t Say ‘Sorry’ at the Poker Table
In the world of poker, saying “sorry” after a successful hand is considered bad luck. Some believe that apologising for a win is akin to showing regret, which might negatively impact future hands. It’s better to stay confident and keep apologies off the table.
It’s also considered to be disingenuous to say sorry when you have put a bad beat on a player because you are not at all sorry about the outcome. Don’t offer false commiserations to your fellow tables at the poker table.
18. Tip the Dealer and the Serving Staff
Tipping the dealer and the serving staff is not only a gesture of appreciation, but is also believed by some to bring good luck. By sharing your winnings, you are ‘spreading the wealth’, which is thought to encourage continued prosperity.
Players who don’t tip when they win and then go on a losing streak are evidenced by those who believe in this superstition. It also has another name that people know well - karma.
19. Never Give Advice at the Poker Table
Offering advice at the poker table is frowned upon and can be considered bad luck. Not only does it distract you and others from the game, but it might also backfire.
Giving advice can come across as smug or as “after-timing,” which nobody appreciates. It’s best to keep your thoughts to yourself and stay focused on your game.
These superstitions, though never likely to be scientifically proven, are believed by some gamblers to influence their luck and outcomes at the table.
They provide a sense of control and add an extra layer of excitement to the game for those who subscribe to them.
Whether you believe in these rituals or not, they are an integral part of the culture surrounding gambling.
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